Request an account

If you desire the additional advantages of becoming a registered customer with Danitech A/S, please proceed with registration below. Kindly note that a valid VAT number, approved for VAT-free import of goods within the EU, is required for registration.

We offer, among other things, help to develop electrical, mechanical and hydraulic applications, as well as ordering special components through our large supplier network.

As a registested customer, you can pay by invoice, get individual discounts for bulk purchases and fixed framework agreements with fixed stock availabilty.

In addition, you get access to our online webshop where you can buy standard components at your individually agreed prices, view ongoing orders, invoices etc.

Simply fill out the form below and we'll take care of the rest. Our team will review your request and contact you as soon as possible.

Do you need help?

Call us

+ 45 76 34 23 00

Mon - Thurs: 07:30 - 16:30 CET
Friday: 07:30 - 14:30 CET

Write us

We aim to answer your mail within 24 hours.

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